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Marketplace Update!

Please note, due to US Postal Service price increases planned for July 2024 the shipping cost on most items will rise $1.00 per item for domestic shipping as of July 7, 2024. To avoid the increase please order before July 7, 2024. For international orders please check with the MarketPlace for current shipping rate before ordering.

Thank you
The ATOS MarketPlace

From the Chairman

It is quite an honor to be elected as Chairman of the Board of the American Theatre Organ Society. I would like to thank Tedde Gibson for his time as the Chairman and I appreciate all his efforts to get us through the past two years. We have dealt with several financial issues, but under his Chairmanship, we now have a budget and our finances in order.

I would like to welcome our three new board members, Rosemary Bailey, Shawn Kenney, and William Webber. Each will bring a new perspective to the board as they will help us set and meet goals as we move forward. In order for ATOS to continue, we must look at those goals – both short and long term, prioritize each and determine a strategy.

One of the first tasks we need to investigate is to increase our dues. We have not had an increase in dues in many years. I have asked the Finance Committee to look into options and recommendations and present them to the board. All this information will be shared with the membership.

The 65th Annual ATOS Convention was a success. Over 325 people attended and despite some minor glitches here and there, all seemed to go well. Great to see old friends, talk about the things we all love, theatre organs, and meet some more of the wonderful people that are members of ATOS. The venues were fantastic, organs sounded fabulous, and the artists were at the top of their games. Order forms for the convention CD will be available soon.

I mention this whenever I write my message in the journal – and will continue: this is “our organization” and we want to hear from you. I had some great conversations at the convention and certainly appreciated hearing from everyone. But please – reach out to me, your chapter liaison, or anyone on the board.

Taylor Trimby
Chairman of the Board
July 2023

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