
NEW Member $35 Special

Dues Increase

After much discussion, the finance committee recommended that we raise our dues by $20 a year, from $50 to $70. Your ATOS Board of Directors approved the increase which will take effect on September 1, 2024.
The last time they were raised was in 2014 and they went up $10, from $40 per year to the current $50. As we are all aware, a lot has happened in those 10 years.Costs for everything have increased, from the Journal to our contractors, convention costs and operational costs.

News & Articles
  • July 18
    Here are the newly announced Board of Directors and Officers for 2024-2025 David Finkel, Chair Shawn Kenney, Vice Chair Luke Staisiunas, Secretary Dave Calendine, Treasurer Rosemary Bailey William Campbell William Gellhaus William Webber Nancy Wildoner more