The ATOS Board of Directors has named Benjamin Helton as the 2025 Youth Representative.
News about ATOS and the world of Theatre Organ internationally.
This year marked the 18th annual ATOS Summer Youth Adventure, a week designed to provide young organists with skills and experiences to last a lifetime. This 2024 event took place in Portland, Oregon, and lead instructor Jonas Nordwall was joined by instructors Jelani Eddington, Donna Parker, and Don Feely.
Since its beginning, the Endowment Fund has awarded over $650,000. Recent changes to the Endowment Trust allow for a larger pool of money for the coming grant cycle.
Enjoy five days of theatre organ performances, as ATOS presents the "Unconventional Convention 2.0" for the end of 2024.
If you missed the theatre organ due to the lack of a convention this year, enjoy these artists performing on some amazing instruments.
A NEW video premiers each day until end of the year!
You may now watch the video recording of the 2024 Membership Meeting.
The pass code for the video is:
Despite the recent increse in yearly dues, new members can still join at half price for the first year.
For $35, begin receiving the bi-monthly Thearte Organ Journal, attend yearly conventions, and join in the fun!
Here are the newly announced Board of Directors and Officers for 2024-2025
David Finkel, Chair
Shawn Kenney, Vice Chair
Luke Staisiunas, Secretary
Dave Calendine, Treasurer
Rosemary Bailey
William Campbell
William Gellhaus
William Webber
Nancy Wildoner
The American Theatre Organ Society announces its call for nominations to fill three (3) positions on the ATOS Board of Directors for three-year terms (2024-2026).
Greetings! Any member wanting to make a nomination should send that candidate's nomination to as soon as possible so their name can be considered.
The ATOS Endowment Fund assists ATOS chapters or other not-for-profit organizations engaged in theatre pipe organ programs or projects which will have a lasting impact on the preservation or presentation of the theatre pipe organ as a historically American instrument and musical art form; projects or programs of historical or scholarly merit; and other projects or programs as approved by the AT