ATOS Financials Posted
Hello everyone,
The ATOS Board of Directors met on Tuesday, November 28th for our regularly scheduled monthly meeting. One of the topics on the agenda was to review and approve the financial reporting standards for ATOS.
On the ATOS.ORG website, under the Organization tab and then ATOS Financials, you will see the latest reports for our organization. There are three reports. They are:
1. Statement of Activity – which shows transactions for the current month. This is what we took in and spent this month.
2. Statement of Activity YTD – which shows all transactions Year to Date.
3. Statement of Financial Positions - which shows the balances in all our accounts.
We will provide these reports monthly throughout the end of next year and then will switch to quarterly updates.
Also, in the journal, we will publish the reports twice a year.
Now that QuickBooks are up to date, we will also generate the reports quarterly and update the web page for previous years.