March 2018 Happenings
With most of winter behind us, I’m taking this opportunity to provide updates on ATOS activities. Your Board of Directors has just concluded their mid-year review and planning meetings. The budget development process for our next fiscal year has begun. Ideas with respect to fund raising and other program activities are now being analyzed and prioritized. As always, the Board is looking for volunteers to help with one of the many activities. If you have ideas and are willing to contribute some of your time, please let us know.
Director’s Election
Recently, the ATOS Nominations Committee Chairman, Ken Double, reported to the Board of Directors that there were two validated candidates (George Andersen and Bill Campbell) for the position of Director. The ATOS Bylaws allow for the suspending the mailing of the ballot if three or fewer candidates exist to fill the three available positions. The Board accepted these nominations during the week of Feb. 21st and approved a motion to suspend the mailing of ballots for this year’s election. The new Directors assume their seats at the Annual Board meeting in Pasadena, CA on Thursday, June 28th, the day before the opening of the 2018 Annual Convention.
Application Deadlines
The spring of each year is the busiest season for many organizations, including ATOS. This is because we are preparing for the Annual Convention, this year in Pasadena, CA, as well as other events oriented to the summer months. For ATOS program activities with approaching deadlines, below are each event along with either its closing or participation date:
Young Theatre Organist Competition – Before April 1, 2018, application information at This event provides a opportunity to audition emerging new organists as well as hear a more formal performance by last year’s winner, Alex Jones.
Endowment Fund Grants – March 15, 2018, application information at Focused primarily on chapter supported efforts, it’s a chance to receive financial support for an improvement/restoration project, as well as other opportunities to advocate for theatre organs.
Scholarships – June 15, 2018, application information at Based upon available funds and demand, the goal for these scholarship is to assist players with the cost of lessons and improving their playing skills.
Summer Youth Camp – Event scheduled for July 15 to 20, 2018 in Atlanta, GA. Registration information will be posted soon at This event is primarily designed to provide young people with exposure to instruments and provide instruction focused on their skill level and awareness of the unique capabilities of the theatre pipe organ.
Awards and Recognition – The ATOS Awards and Recognition Committee Chairman, David Kelzenberg (d.kelzenberg (at) is currently working on this year’s list of awardees. Anyone wanting to make a nomination for consideration should send that candidate nomination along to David’s Committee as soon as possible so their name can be considered for this year’s awards announced at the Annual Convention.
ATOS Journal News and Articles
For those that monitor social media, they see a number of happenings with respect to instruments, venues and performances, whether ATOS Chapter sponsored or not. Consider authoring a story for the ATOS Journal and adding to the many ways we can advocate for theatre organs and its use. If you have an idea, contact the Journal Editor, Mike Bryant at m.bryant (at)
ATOS Marketplace
The current operator of the ATOS Marketplace, Rob Vastine, has asked we seek another operator of this service. The details of this effort will appear in the May-June issue of the ATOS Journal. Anyone having interest in becoming a volunteer to assist ATOS with this valuable service, please contact the Chairman at r.neidich (at)
ATOS 2018 Convention
If you have not registered for the 2018 Annual Convention, the list of registrants is growing. This offers an opportunity to visit previous concert venues, as well as some new venues in the Los Angeles area of southern California. The host city, Pasadena, offers many visitor options other than just our convention events. The convention is a great chance to hear many of our favorite organists, and some new ones as well.
ATOS Chapter Showcase
The ATOS Chapter’s showcase now has a website home page at Chapters should begin to formulate their showcase submission and submission details will be available in a few weeks. For Showcase details, please contact the ATOS Chapter’s Liaison, Taylor Trimby at t.trimby (at)
Join me in looking forward to a warming spring, and attending chapter programs to support their activities.
Richard Neidich
Chairman, ATOS Board of Directors