2023 Endowment Fund
The ATOS Endowment Fund assists ATOS chapters or other not-for-profit organizations engaged in theatre pipe organ programs or projects which will have a lasting impact on the preservation or presentation of the theatre pipe organ as a historically American instrument and musical art form; projects or programs of historical or scholarly merit; and other projects or programs as approved by the ATOS Board of Directors. Since its beginning, the Endowment Fund has awarded over $500,000. Recent changes to the Endowment Trust allow for a larger pool of money for the coming grant cycle.
Please read all the documents as the procedures for applying and receiving grants have been updated. The most significant change to the process is that no longer will you have to complete the project before receiving approved funding. Completed applications must be received by the Endowment Fund Board of Trustees not later than April 1, 2023.
Endowment Fund
If you have any questions, please contact the Endowment Committee at
endowment [at] atos.org or Taylor Trimby at t.trimby [at] atos.org