
NEW Member $35 Special

Dues Increase

After much discussion, the finance committee recommended that we raise our dues by $20 a year, from $50 to $70. Your ATOS Board of Directors approved the increase which will take effect on September 1, 2024.
The last time they were raised was in 2014 and they went up $10, from $40 per year to the current $50. As we are all aware, a lot has happened in those 10 years.Costs for everything have increased, from the Journal to our contractors, convention costs and operational costs.

News & Articles
  • November 20
    The yearly membership meeting usually occurs during the annual convention, but as there was no convention this year, the ATOS Board of Directors has scheduled an online "virtual" membership meeting for Sunday, December 15 at 5pm Eastern Standard Time. The meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87599586440 The Board will present program overviews and updates. The monthly financial reports (with... more
  • October 31
    Despite the recent increse in yearly dues, new members can still join at half price for the first year. For $35, begin receiving the bi-monthly Thearte Organ Journal, attend yearly conventions, and join in the fun! NEW Member $35 Special more