Born in 1987, Mark Herman is one of America’s busiest young theatre organists, performing over 30 concerts and silent film presentations each year across the US and abroad. In July of 2012, he was named the American Theatre Organ Society’s...
Sought after as a concert theatre organist, classical recitalist and silent photoplay accompanist Scott’s love of music began early in grade school with piano instruction and private study of the organ ensued soon thereafter. As he was...
During the years that Jelani Eddington has given concerts, he has easily established himself as one of the most prominent and sought-after artists on the concert circuit. Eddington has performed in most of the major concert venues...
Steven Ball occupies a rather unique place in the musical world of the organ. In addition to being a Fulbright Scholar, he is part of a small number of artists proficient in the genre of the theater organ ever to have achieved a doctoral...
Bernie Anderson graduated from Montclair State University in New Jersey summa cum laude with the degree of Bachelor of Music in composition. In 2000, Bernie earned his MFA at New York University, Tisch School of the Arts Graduate Musical...