News about ATOS and the world of Theatre Organ internationally.

Monday, July 11th 2016

The ATOS Board of Directors and Officers (the Board) held three separate sessions last week in Cleveland, OH during the 2016 ATOS Annual Convention. The Board held its annual meeting on July1, 2016 and elected new officers for each of the leadership positions.

Saturday, July 9th 2016

ATOS Convention Day 5 - July 7

Pictures of the day.

Friday, July 8th 2016

ATOS Convention Day 4 - July 6

From Christopher:
ATOS Day 4 - Wednesday: What a long day!!

Thursday, July 7th 2016

ATOS Convention Day 3 - July 5

Thursday, July 7th 2016

ATOS Convention Day 6 - Encore

Pictures of the day.

Wednesday, July 6th 2016

ATOS Convention Day 2 - July 4

Monday, July 4th 2016

We are pleased to announce the Board of Directors for the upcoming year:
Richard Neidich, Chairman
George Andersen, Vice Chairman
Vincent Mirandi, Treasurer
Dave Calendine, Secretary
Michael Fellenzer, Immediate Past Chairman

Monday, July 4th 2016

"Hi I'm Jared Goldinger, winner of the 2016 George Wright Memorial Fellowship. We started off on a looooonnnng 4 hour bus trip to the senate theatre to see the 4/37 Wurlitzer with Richard Hills performing. I was expecting much but not this much; I was absolutely amazed by the size, the power, and even the swell shades with the faint lights inside the chambers.

Sunday, June 26th 2016

The American Theatre Organ Society will be holding its annual Young Theatre Organist Competition this coming July 5 in Cleveland. The initial competition has yielded three finalists.
They are:
Seamus Gethicker, Richie Gregory and Luke Staisiunas.

Please plan on attending this event to support our extraordinary young talent.

Monday, June 13th 2016

Registration is now open for the 2016 ATOS Technical Experience
Hosted By
Carlton Smith Pipe Organ Restorations
September 12 - 15, 2016
Indianapolis, Indiana

Read more here: